FICOBA 3: Capency helps banks comply with the new standard by 2025

Capency meets the requirements of the FICOBA3 standard for companies in the banking sector.

Since the announcement of the DGFIP-regulated Ficoba 3 standard, Capency has continued to support banking establishments in this compliance process, which from 2025 will impose new address standardization criteria for their customer files (including a precise number of characters per label).

The national file of bank accounts and similar (Ficoba in French) lists all bank accounts opened in France: current accounts, savings accounts, securities accounts and more. Ficoba also lists all safes rented in France. This anti-fraud tool lists account opening, modification and closing operations, with the following information:

  • Name and address of the bank managing the account
  • Identity of account holder(s)
  • Main features of the account (number, type of account, etc.)
  • Date and nature of declared transaction (opening, closing, modification)
This information is kept for the entire life of the account, and for 10 years after closure. It is continually updated by the banks.

Individuals have direct access to the identification data (name, address) concerning them in the file, in order to check their accuracy, by contacting their local tax office.
If the data is incorrect, they must contact the bank that manages the account to have it rectified.

With its address standardization and processing solutions, Capency meets the requirements of the FICOBA 3 standard for companies in the banking sector.

There is a specific address format to comply with, which comes into force at the beginning of next year. It’s time for you to update your customer files to be ready as soon as it comes into force.

From 2025, a precise number of characters per label will be required to meet DGFIP expectations and the “new” European standards.

The postal address standardization and processing solution (RNVP) developed by Capency takes into account the format expected by the DGFIP.
As a result, you have a customer address file that complies with the postal standard and the FICOBA 3 standard.
BONUS: All our solutions comply with the RGPD to ensure the security of your data: an essential criterion of choice when processing files containing sensitive data.

No easy task!

Are you working in the insurance sector and are looking for a solution to standardize and verify your customers’ postal addresses?

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