
Data quality


Assisted entry and validation of your emails
Correction of your email databases
Reactivation of your emails considered as hardbounces


deliverability rate upon collection


of hard bounce avoided

Real time


Auto-completion and verification of the emails entered on your collection channels (cash register software, website, CRM/ERP…)


By suggesting proposals with each keystroke, the CAP EMAIL module simplifies the customer journey by reducing the typing time for an email address by approximately 77%, while ensuring the quality of the provided emails (+9,56% of deliverability rate upon the collection).

The key steps of an email verification by CAP EMAIL are as follows:

Syntax verification

CAP EMAIL detects and informs the user in case of an error made during the input

Domain Name Suggestion

About 40,000 suggestions displayed based on weighting according to the country (supported by all countries worldwide)

Verification of email existence​

CAP EMAIL checks the email in its entirety.
Option: Verification of the freshness of the email​

platform email error
platform email proposition
platform email correct

Partner connectors available for quick integration time

Batch mode


Correct and validate your email addresses contained in your databases

of hardbounces emails avoided in database


CAP EMAIL BATCH is a software for correcting email addresses contained in databases and allowing:​

  • Analyze the structure of the email address (at sign, extension…)​
  • Validate the syntax of the email address​
  • Correct the domain name and verify its existence​
  • Validate the email in its entirety

The advantages of our email validation modules include:

Advanced features

Identification of invalid, disposable emails, management of a blacklist of aliases, etc.

International coverage

Control of the domain name and mail server in all countries around the world

Quality codes

To differentiate invalid, problematic, etc. emails in order to exclude them and potentially correct them

GDPR compliant

All our solutions comply with current standards
Complementary solutions


Your deliverability rates depend on the quality of your email address database. Hardbounces (invalid emails) significantly impact your reputation with ISPs, your performance indicators, and thus the success of your email campaigns.

To maintain the quality of your email address database, Capency has developed a service to filter and correct your hard bounces. Approximately 10 to 15% of emails considered hard bounces by your router will be reactivated through our service.

The process of the hard bounce reactivation service unfolds as follows

First Step: Processing the Email Database

The purpose of this service is to analyze and correct your email address databases. The CAP EMAIL BATCH software will analyze the structure/syntax, check the existence of the domain name, and identify disposable, blacklisted (e.g., email addresses.

Second Step: Routing of the Database

Following the processing, routing is carried out on your database using a dedicated, still-clean IP address to avoid impacting yours.

Third Step: Campaign Results

After routing all your contacts, Capency conducts a statistical assessment, categorizing delivered emails, soft bounces, openers, clickers, unsubscribed users, and complaints.

reactivated emails thanks to our service

The benefits of our email validation solutions

Assessment of emails entered using quality codes. +30% of data usable with DQM solutions
Boost up to 10% conversion at the delivery stage
by increasing the deliverability rate (+9,56% during our clients’ email campaigns)
by routing with a clean and usable email database
Data Quality
Identité & Consentement
Offres data complémentaires​
Logiciel de caisse | POS​
CMS | Ecommerce
Checkout software | POS​
CMS | Ecommerce